Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

​​​​​​​​Information about the bachelor's programme Audio and Video

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The bachelor’s programme Audio and Video, originally evolved from the former, renowned study programme in sound engineering. It combines
– individual instrument or vocal classes at Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf (RSH) university of music
– with the technical fundamentals required for professional practice in the field of audio and video recordings.
This makes the programme unique in Germany.

The programme focuses on technology and science as well as creativity, design and art theory. At HSD, we teach you the technical skills, whilst RSH provides the artistic and musical qualification. This is why the artistic, musical aptitude test, which is an admission requirement, takes place at RSH.

The programme combines a broad range of subjects: classical music recording meets media composition, musicology meets physics, communications engineering meets multi-camera production.

The technical part contains traditional engineering topics such as mathematics and physics, but also subject-specific elements such as sound engineering. The artistic, creative part includes musicology and design elements alongside musical instrument classes.

The formerly quite narrowly defined discipline has broadened. It now includes various combinations where a technical background is as important as a confident understanding of aesthetic categories to develop innovative solutions.

Please note: The language of instruction is mainly German.




​​​Language of instruction​German. Especially for exchange students, certain classes might be taught in English.​German.
Especially for exchange students, certain classes might be taught in English.
Degree​Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)
Normal programme length
​8 semesters
​Study programme begins
​Winter semester
​ApplicationFind out how and when to apply:
Degree seeking students
Exchange students 

Allocation of places
Restricted admission *
General admission requirements
Go to admission requirements​
​Special admission
​Programme-related artistic-musical aptitude test
Degree seeking students must submit their applications to Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf university of music by 15 March
​Period abroad


Summary of key information

​English Flyer [PDF]
Information for international applicants 

​​Go to information for international applicants

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* The restricted admission is subject to approval by the Ministry for culture and academic affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW).​