Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

​​​​​​Professional Background​​ & FunCtion

J​ens Herder is a professor of the Faculty of Media at the HS Duesseldorf, University of Applied Sciences. He served for four years as the head of the Department of Media. During this time the Bachelor of Science Media and applied Information Technology as well as the Master of Science Virtual Reality programs were introduced. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting. At the Virtual Sets and Virtual Environments Laboratory, he experiments with interaction processes for new media applications.
After studying computer science with minor subject architectural design at the Technical University of Darmstadt, he worked as a software engineer for Symbolics Systemhaus GmbH. In a project for Lufthansa, he developed an object-oriented, versioned database that is the basis for a flight schedule workbench. He was responsible for a joint project with the FZI (research institute at the University of Karlsruhe) to develop a Common Lisp Interface Manager Builder.
In 1993, he built up the Computer Industry Laboratory at the new University of Aizu. There he taught computer graphics, algorithms, and programming. He managed student research projects on image processing (applied to sake bottling quality control) and virtual reality. He did the user interface design for the Intelligent Health Care System. As a member of the Spatial Media Group, he was responsible for design and implementation of the Sound Spatialization Framework. In 1999, he was concurrently appointed to the Research Center for Advanced Technology with focus on applications for the Gigabit project. In the same year, he got his Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering from the University of Tsukuba. His dissertation has the title "A Sound Spatialization Resource Management Framework." His last position at the University of Aizu was assistant professor at the Shape Modeling Laboratory.​

Wirtschaftswissenschaften / FB W, Online-Marketing, Employer-Branding, Kooperation, Förderverein des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Alumni

Employer Branding live: Studierende entwickeln Recruiting-Kampagne mit den Stadtwerken Düsseldorf

Studierende des Moduls „Online Marketing“ bei Danny Trapp und Jan Schönfelder entwickeln eine digitale Employer Branding-Kampagne für die Stadtwerke Düsseldorf. Ziel ist es, kreative Ansätze für das Recruiting von Auszubildenden zu erarbeiten.



Gebäude 04
Etage 2
Raum 04.2.009
Münsterstraße 156
40476 Düsseldorf
T. +49 211 4351-3268
Virtuelles Studio / Virtuelle Realität
Interaktives Virtuelles Studio
Beauftragter für Internationalisierung im Fachbereich Medien