Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Developi​ng Content for Teaching Databases in Various Learning Contexts

The project EILD.nrw for Developing Content for Teaching Databases in Various Learning C​ontexts is funded as one of 18 projects of the funding line OERContent.nrw by the Ministry of Culture and Science ​of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW NRW) and is a cooperation project of the Digital University DH.NRW. EILD is the abbreviation of the German project name "Entwicklung von Inhalten für die Lehre im Fach Datenbanken".

Computer science creates its own tools. Thus, the professors of the project partners have years of experience in teaching databases with learning management systems. Every semester, about 1,000 students at the participating universities can use wikis, blogs, interactive tools and instructional videos to gain knowledge and apply it to solving practical tasks on designing, creating and programming databases. A database with over a thousand questions, answers and explanations is used for exam preparation. 
The grant will allow each project partner to fund a research assistant and students as support staff for nearly two years.
In EILD, an approach with extensive adaptability and reusability of the teaching content (educational resources) is implemented. By separating the didactic concept from the application areas of the respective courses of study (business, medicine, digital media), modules of small granularity can be used independently and adapted to the respective contexts. The specification of metadata and best-practice scenarios enables instructors to assign content appropriately. For quality assurance, students are involved in the evaluation.
The content created in this and the other projects of the funding line will be made available under the license CC BY-SA 4.0 - sharing and editing under attribution and sharing under the same conditions - by Digitale Hochschule NRW.​

EILD-Team of HSD​​​​

​Project Logo​​​

EILD Projekt-Logo
Das Projekt-Logo: Die Verbindung der Datenbank-„Tonne“ mit der Tafel​​ © Björn Salgert, Thomas C. Rakow, FBM, HSD 2020




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