Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media


HSD - Fachbereich Medien > Personen > Prof. Dr. Eng. / Univ. of Tsukuba Jens Herder > Graduate award for thesis by HSD student Maja Michaelis
Medien / Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Virtuelles Studio, Prof. Dr. Jens Herder

Graduate award for thesis by HSD student Maja Michaelis

​​​​​​​​​​​On June 3, 2024, graduate Maja Michaelis was awarded the Bachelor 2023 Graduate Prize, endowed with 500 euros, for her thesis “Light adjustment in a virtual studio using augmented reality”. The award ceremony took place during the 30th FKTG symposium of the Fernseh- und kinotechnische Gesellschaft e.V. in Mainz.

The work was completed at the Faculty of Media at Duesseldorf University of Applied Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Jens Herder and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bonse.
Augmented reality adds virtual elements to reality. The normal process of adjusting the lighting in a virtual studio is complicated and time-consuming. In her work, the student dealt with the question of how this process can be simplified using augmented reality.
This can be achieved by controlling the lamps completely in one application at location. All relevant programs and video streams are visible to the user in the virtual studio. This means that controlling the lamps directly in the virtual studio saves an enormous amount of time.

The settings made are directly visible on the real lamps. However, all existing real lights also exist virtually in the developed application so that the lighting conditions for a virtual scene can be reproduced identically. This makes it possible to illuminate virtual objects exactly as if they were present under the same lighting conditions in reality. ​

Final theses Prof. Dr. Jens Herder:
