Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media


​​Dr. Simon Hermann Lichte studied Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Paderbon where he also achieved his PhD at the Computer Networks Research Group.

During his professional career, Dr. Lichte engaged in Innovation, Product and Project Management, currently as Principal Product Manager with San Francisco based Boku, provider of the largest mobile payments network in the world.

Dr. Lichte actively engages in the startup world, and he is co-founder of a fintech startup himself. Because of that he is passionate about inspiring young people to build their own business based on what they love doing.

At our university, Dr. Lichte is responsible for teaching "Mobile Systems" in English language, focussing on the challenges of wireless communications and its impact on protocol design on the physical, medium access control, and network layer.


Gebäude 04
Münsterstraße 156
40476 Düsseldorf