Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Medien
Faculty of Media


HSD - Fachbereich Medien > Aktuelles > Kids Shortz Award
Medien / Prof. Isolde Asal, Animation, Prize

Kids Shortz Award

​Fantastic news from Florida: The animated short film Die Suche nach der verlorenen Familie (searching for the missing family) has won the Kids Shortz Award at the Bonita Springs International Film Festival!

The film was created within the project Kids ‘n Tricks in the winter semester 2016/2017 at the Faculty of Media at Hochschule Düsseldorf – University of Applied Sciences. Professor Isolde Asal, Viviann Banh and social pedagogue Thomas Zipf supervise this project.

Kids ‘n Tricks is an integrative media project at HSD, conducted in cooperation with childcare organisations in Düsseldorf. The project aims to give children a voice and let their stories be heard. Children create the storyline and the characters together with students of the Faculty of Media. They even design animation and sound themselves, with a little support from the media students.

Partners in the production of the animated short film Die Suche nach der verlorenen Familie (searching for the missing family) were Kinderhilfezentrum Düsseldorf (local centre for children’s aid) and the Diakonie Düsseldorf (local Protestant social welfare organisation), department Jugendmigrationsdienst (youth migration service), project Starke Kids (strong kids).

More information about the film (in German only):